Turkish Proficiency

Turkish proficiency is required to start education in our University, (except for candidates who have the right to enroll in programs that provide 100% education in a foreign language at the university.

For candidates who cannot document their Turkish proficiency level, a Turkish Proficiency Exam is held by Akdeniz TÖMER. As a result of the exam, the student whose Turkish level is insufficient is given one year to receive education.

Those who cannot obtain Turkish proficiency from the Turkish teaching program within a maximum of 2 (two) academic years will be dismissed from the University.

Situations Where Turkish Proficiency Is Not Required:

  1. Those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey
  2. Those who completed their secondary education abroad in Turkish high schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey,
  3. Those who have graduated from a higher education diploma program (associate degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctorate) that provides education 100% in Turkish at home or abroad
  4. Those who have sufficient exam results from internationally valid exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education

Valid Turkish Proficiency Documents/Scores:

  1. Students who score 70 or above in the Turkish Level Exam conducted by Akdeniz TÖMER for students enrolled in the University
  2. Those who have the C1 level Turkish Proficiency Certificate issued by Akdeniz TÖMER
  3. Those who have the Turkish Proficiency Certificate issued by Yunus Emre Institute

For furter information: https://tomer.akdeniz.edu.tr

Akdeniz University Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center (TÖMER)

Eklenme tarihi :11.06.2024 10:41:28
Son güncelleme : 11.06.2024 14:24:28